Read the July 2024 issue of Mithomahcihowin – NCN Family & Community Wellness Centre’s bi-monthly health and wellness news update.

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NCN FCWC Hosts Successful Culture Camp

NCN Family and Community Wellness Centre celebrated a remarkable Culture Camp from June 10th to 14th, drawing over 350 registrants and attendees. This year’s camp focused on the theme of grief and loss. The camp aimed to heal hearts and develop a compassionate community to soothe pain and promote healing.

The impressive turnout were particularly noticeable through the long line ups at some of the tents which were hosted by medicine people, chibuy ceremony, reiki and bio-magnetic therapy.

A camp highlight was the honour song performed by Felix Walker and Ed Azure in tribute to Daniel Donkey. This ceremony marked the official recognition of the camp’s location as the Daniel Donkey Culture Camp. The location of the camp is within Daniel Donkey’s trapline, and his passing earlier this year deeply impacted the community. This connection to Daniel Donkey and the grief surrounding his loss inspired the theme of this year’s camp.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, reflecting the camp’s success in fostering a sense of community and cultural pride. Many attendees noted the sense of connection and belonging they felt throughout the camp, which was filled with a variety of activities designed to educate and inspire.

The focus on grief and loss was particularly poignant. Addressing these themes in a supportive environment provided individuals with a safe space to express their emotions and share their experiences, fostering a sense of connection and understanding. This facilitated the healing process and promoted resilience, allowing participants to gain valuable insights and coping strategies. Multiple grief and loss sessions were offered by various facilitators, enabling individuals to choose the sessions most relevant to their experiences. This personalized approach recognized the complexity and multifaceted nature of grief and loss, allowing participants to engage in discussions and activities that resonated with them.

One of the most touching moments of the camp was the candlelight vigil held in remembrance of lost loved ones. The NCN Choir provided a musical backdrop, their song offering solace and strength to those in attendance. The vigil was a heartfelt reminder of the community’s resilience and unity in the face of loss. Many participants were moved to tears, finding comfort in the collective remembrance and the beautiful harmonies of the choir.

Another significant aspect of the camp was the matotisan (sweat) ceremony, which saw high participation rates. The ceremony’s success was particularly notable for the involvement of young attendees, who were eager to partake in this traditional practice. Their enthusiasm highlighted the camp’s role in passing cultural knowledge to the next generation. The matotisan was described as a deeply cleansing and spiritually uplifting experience, with many participants feeling a profound sense of renewal.

The hurdles of feeding such a large group were expertly managed by the camp’s dedicated culinary team. Despite the high numbers, the cooks provided an array of traditional and contemporary dishes, ensuring that everyone had plenty to eat. The meals became a time for community members to gather, share stories, and enjoy each other’s company, further enhancing the sense of togetherness.

In addition to the scheduled activities, the camp provided ample opportunities for informal gatherings and discussions. Many participants took advantage of the beautiful natural surroundings to connect with old friends and make new ones. These moments of spontaneous interaction added to the overall sense of community and fellowship that defined the event.

The event not only provided a space for spiritual and physical nourishment but also reinforced cultural traditions and community bonds. As attendees departed, the sense of fulfillment and communal connection was palpable, promising a strong foundation for future cultural events. Plans are already underway for next year’s camp, with organizers hoping to build on this year’s successes and continue to provide meaningful experiences for the community.

The success of this year’s Culture Camp serves as a testament to the NCN community’s dedication to preserving and celebrating their heritage. With such positive feedback and high levels of engagement, the Daniel Donkey Culture Camp is poised to become an enduring and cherished tradition for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.

In reflecting on the event, one person summed it up best: “This camp has brought us closer together and reminded us of the strength in our traditions. It’s a blessing to see our culture alive and thriving.”

Read the July 2024 issue of Mithomahcihowin for the full story.


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Read the July 2024 issue of Mithomahcihowin