Stopping the Flu Starts with You!
Hand Washing
- Every time you sneeze or cough into them
- When you get to work or school
- Before, during & after you prepare food
- Before eating
- After using the washroom
- After meeting with people
- When you return home
Do you wash your hands properly?
- Warm water works better
- Lots of soap
- Palms & backs of hands, fingertips, nail beds, in between fingers, thumbs, beyond wrists
- Scrub long enough to sing Happy Birthday
- Dry thoroughly
Take Action
Remember, action alleviates anxiety. If you’re feeling nervous about keeping your family safe and healthy, do something instead of sitting and fretting.
- Teach your kids how to wash hands
- Clean your surfaces, devices, doorknobs
- Make a healthy meal
- Check your emergency kit
Flus are Very Common
Colds and flus are part of everyday life, and they rarely turn into something worse than a sore throat and upset stomach. Every year, a few specific flu viruses become more common than others, and medical professionals develop a vaccine to fight them. The best way to protect your loved ones from standard respiratory illnesses:
- Get the flu vaccine
- Wash your hands
- Stay at home if you’re sick
Is it really that simple?
Some people have compromised immune systems, such as elderly people, infants, and those with chronic conditions. They may have a harder time fighting viruses. These people should definitely get the flu vaccine, wash their hands effectively, and focus on good health habits, such as lots of sleep, healthy diet and exercise. To protect our vulnerable Citizens, it is important for all of us to do the same! And if you’re sick, stay at home. You can return to work (or school) when your fever has been gone for a full day without medication. Most standard respiratory illnesses, such as cold and flu, are airborne. An infected person releases their virus by:
- Sneezing & coughing
- Improper hand washing
- Shaking hands & kissing
- Touching doorknobs, counters, phones & devices, remotes
To protect your family:
- Wash your hands often & well
- Cover your mouth & nose when you sneeze & cough
- Avoid sharing food, drink & utensils
- Regularly clean common things & places
- Change towels, washcloths, handkerchiefs often
- Don’t pick your nose, bite your nails, or touch your face
From time to time, an aggressive virus spreads quickly, sometimes around the world. You may remember SARS in 2003, and the coronavirus (COVID-19), which broke out at the end of 2019. At the beginning of an outbreak, before professionals know everything about a virus, people may panic. They pass along misinformation and make things sound worse than they are. Stay up-to-date by getting your information only from recognized, credible news sources. Social media is not believable because anyone can post anything they want!
Search online for these organizations:
- NCN Family & Community Wellness Centre
- First Nations & Inuit Health Branch
- Manitoba Health
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- World Health Organization
During a global outbreak, keep in mind that the remoteness of Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation is actually beneficial to us. And remember, the best way to protect your family is always the same: wash your hands and focus on healthy habits.
How does NCN prepare for flu season?
The health and wellbeing of NCN Citizens is overseen by the Emergency Measures Coordinator, the nursing station, and public health nurses, with input from Chief and Council. They continually educate themselves and train to stay up-to-date and informed, and have policies and procedures in place to keep Citizens healthy in their daily lives, and in cases of emergency.
During flu and virus outbreaks, our professionals receive their knowledge and direction from provincial and federal departments, including First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB). The NCN health team communicates with Citizens through:
- Achimowin NCN Radio
- NCN website
- Family & Community Wellness Centre website
- Achimowina newsletter
- Nursing Station
- Chief and Council
Protecting Children
Because of their lack of understanding about germs, and the way they play, children often get sick more often than adults.
How do I help my kids?
- Teach them to wash properly
- Ensure healthy habits like sleep & nutrition
- Don’t share utensils with friends
- Keep them home when they’re sick
- Listen to their worries about outbreaks
- Be careful what you say around them
- Pay attention to the media they take in